"The first World Championship boxing match to be held in Dublin for 13 years," said Paul Ashe-Browne of Acoustik. "The show design stipulation was that no loudspeakers be in TV camera shot." Thankfully, within earshot was permitted.
"My system was primarily for speech reinforcement; let me tell you, 9,000 Dubliners in full cry is quite some level to overcome. Based around three hangs of d&b audiotechnik's Q1s and Q-SUBs, with numerous Q7s and Q10s providing in-fill around the ring, I was determined not to run out of headroom."
Acoustik has been users of d&b audiotechnik PA systems for five years now. "We first invested in the Q-Series after a demonstration by Kevin McGing from d&b's Irish sales partner MOSCO; the system so impressed us we placed an order there and then.
"Prior to the bout we had just acquired a d&b R60 USB to CAN interface from Kevin," continued Ashe-Browne, "and we were keen to put it into use immediately. By using d&b's R1 Remote control software I had complete control of the many different elements of the system directly from the mix position at the O2; EQ, gain settings and time alignment. In the heat of the fight and with the Dublin crowd in full roar, we were able to remotely monitor the D12 amplifiers and the performance of the various loudspeakers easily and comfortably."
(Jim Evans)