EASE Focus provides accurate predictions of line array performance using the same acoustic engine as EASE, the industry standard software for simulating and designing acoustical environments and sound systems. Line array cabinets can be defined as complex models that include multiple sources. Other enhancements to Version 1.4 include extended Print Report functionality and improved online updates as well as enhanced modelling of ground-stacked configurations and subwoofers.
Over two dozen line array manufacturers currently license the EASE Focus Compiler and offer data files for EASE Focus. QSC Audio's Wideline and ILA, Peavey's Versarray, the Aero and Variant systems from D.A.S. Audio, Dynacord's Cobra-4, Cobra-2 and xa-2 line arrays, SR-A, HX-5 and SR-S cabinets by TOA, and Turbosound's Aspect Trap and Aspect Touring systems can all be configured, aimed and modeled using EASE Focus 1.4.
EASE Focus models line arrays in two dimensions, using the GLL (Generic Loudspeaker Library) data format developed by Software Design Ahnert and Acoustic Design Ahnert to consider the direct field created by the complex addition of individual loudspeakers or array elements.
The program is based on the Microsoft.NET platform, and requires .NET Framework 1.1. EASE Focus runs best in a Microsoft Windows XP/2000 environment, but will also run under earlier Windows versions provided they have the latest system updates.
(Chris Henry)