The Arena Rigging course covers the basics of fall protection, hardware, hoists, trusses and the math involved, and effective methods to communicate the standard to be met to the crew, the work to be done, and their roles in getting it done. The course is designed for riggers with 1-3 years of practical rigging experience. The instructors are rigging experts Bill Sapsis of Sapsis Rigging and Eddie Raymond of IATSE Local 16. For more information, visit
Jay O. Glerum of Jay O. Glerum & Associates Inc will present a full-day Stage Rigging Fundamentals workshop for rigging in theatres, concert halls, studios, churches, and schools. This course is intended for anyone who wants to learn the essentials of stage rigging. Topics covered include: the physics and metallurgy of rigging, hardware selection and application, and counterweight system operation procedures. For more information, visit
Both courses take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center from 9:30am-5:30pm, and are limited to 50 participants each. The cost is $350 including lunch and coffee breaks ($450 after 15 September). For online registration, visit
(Lee Baldock)