The first Open House is Dec. 7-8, from 11am-6pm at the HES Los Angeles office at 8200 Haskell Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406, and the second event takes place at ESP Vision's studio on Dec. 15 (1-6pm) and Dec. 16 (11 am-4pm) at 365 Pilot Rd., Suite C, Las Vegas, NV 89119.
Attendees will be able to see High End Systems' Studio Command, Catalyst v4, DL2, DL1 and Hog iPC. ESP Vision will show its lighting simulation through direct integration with the Wholehog 3 line of products as well as real-time integration to Catalyst. ESP Vision provides real-time light rendering, shadows and accuracy, say the company.
"ESP Vision is a world-class visualization program that many customers are very excited about once they see it," says HES VP of sales Bill Morris. "We know that using visualization can aid dramatically in the creative impact a lighting set ultimately makes so we are offering ESP Vision to our customers for a limited time as a free bundle with every Wholehog 3 console we sell."
To RSVP for the Open House events, call Kellye Keith at the HES Los Angeles office, phone +1 818 947 0550. For more information about the ESP Vision software offer, contact Bill Morris at +1 512 836 2242, Ext 1201.
(Lee Baldock)