Miles, and Coemar UK’s Ian Kirby, have remained in close touch in recent years - and the timing of this decision, says Kirby, couldn’t have been better. "Peter’s knowledge and experience will not only provide a valuable input of ideas, but will help us establish greater links with the rock and roll world." The Spot Co had been one of the first companies to buy the NAT and their former MD has a long personal relationship with the brand. Miles added that having been impressed with Ian Kirby’s previous track record in the industry, his involvement in Coemar’s new UK operation had been ‘crucial’ to the decision. "I've been bouncing ideas round with Ian for the past couple of years during which time the industry has changed quite significantly. There is a lot more optimism than there was last year, with some customers finding a slightly different niche to operate in. Coemar have a new range of lighting and accessories to service these requirements and Ian has put together a family of dealerships which is both exciting and new. A lot of thought has clearly gone into these products, which are sensibly priced, and that will appeal to the rental companies."
(Ruth Rossington)