Having just got back from filming The Champions League in Moscow, Spidercam was brought in by Splinter Films, specialists in music and live events, to cover the massive concerts. Both nights' shows were filmed and the result was ready for cinema release at the end of the month, and will also be available for MSN broadcast and on Blu-ray DVD.
The stage design which included a B-stage that wrapped round the front of house control position was joined to the main open stage by a thrust walkway that ran almost the length of the pitch. This extensive performance area called for a different approach to filming and Spidercam provided full 360 degree coverage across the whole area of the pitch.
Gavin Weatherall reports: "It is great to film sports events but we love nothing more than good old fashioned rock & roll in such an iconic venue. We have gone from Camel Racing to football to the Foo Fighters in one month - it is very exciting."
(Jim Evans)